
Friday, May 23, 2014

Club Drug Rehab Becomes Priceless - A Composite Life Story By Robin Mackey

Going out to a club for the first time and getting high, dancing to great music and finding a place that has so many beautiful girls that want to dance and talk with me. Fantastic.
Finding out who the regulars are, which girls are new to it, who sells the best stuff, who sells the junk, and realizing that my dreams can come true! Fun/exciting!
Life is good, even if my GPA went from a 3.3 to a 1.6. I feel more confident and am much more experienced then I was six months ago.
Finally finished school, working at a job and I have my own place to live. I finally have the freedom to do whatever I want to do. It is true that some of the people at the clubs are total jerks, they will rip you off in a heartbeat and some are just creepy roofie predators. All they want to do is find naive girls, drug them, put them in their car, and take them to who knows where to do who knows what. Others sell you junk and others well I just always seem to owe them. Hey, what can you do they're connected to the club, gangs, cartels, mob you know what I mean. What can I do about it? I do not want to end up dead. Besides many people there really like me, even the rip-offs and predators.
The only down side is now that I pay my own bills, it is sometimes hard to have enough cash for the clubs. Some nights I can sell a little and turn a profit to get me through. The most fearful sight I ever saw was the blue lights in my rear view mirror. It is amazing how just that one thing (DUI Driving under the influence) affected my life. I lost my license; it added 1 1/2 to 2 hours to commute to work using mass transit. Now I have to depend on my friends and taxis to get to and from the clubs.
In addition, it is so much harder to get a girl to come home with you when you do not have your own car. It can be a little embarrassing explaining to the cab driver that it is all right, I am just taking her home to sleep it off. All I am really thinking about is that any minute she just might tell the cab driver she does not even know who I am and that she does not live at this address. Or maybe she will say to the cab driver "What am I doing here? Please help me!" I guess I just highlighted what I have become, an abuser of both drugs and women. Now that I look back on it, the club drug lifestyle has lead to a long chain of embarrassing, self centered, stupid and mean acts.
Public urination, hey, it is not as if I have a prostate problem or overactive bladder, I was completely oblivious, not a clue where and what I was doing.
Vomiting on the dance floor, public toilets, alley, out the car window (messy and smelly), learning my lesson and opening the car door to vomit. It is not that I can remember all of my hurling episodes; it is simply that people have told me days and months later about them (what a rep).
Getting into a fight because I sold some bad stuff.
Having relapses of guilt because I might have been the one to sell my friend some ketamine the night he was killed driving home.
Having a girl tell me that I gave her an STD (sexually transmitted disease) which sent me off to the doctor quickly. Then getting the results back that I did not have any STDs. However thinking for those few days that I did have an STD made me realize that the club drug lifestyle, next to prostitution, is probably the surest way to catch an STD.
Almost losing my job because I kept over sleeping, coming to work late, and calling in sick due to the lack of sleep the previous night.
Almost going to jail for possession with intent to sell.
Then there was the constant problem of collecting money from people that owed and getting money to pay those I owed.
Even with this litany of demeaning and dangerous behavior, all I could think about was getting high and getting women.
As time went on two things started to happen more frequently. 1) I would get tired and bored with it all and 2) I saw the odds of my life turning very tragic mounting against me. The high was not the same and the women I was with never amounted to anything due to what I had become.
I figured so far I have been very lucky because by now I have not gone to prison, been killed in an accident or murdered by dealers, lost my job or caught STDs. Since it was not the first time I had come to this conclusion I decided to do it the right way. Therefore, I went to a drug rehabilitation center. There they had the people I could relate to who had the answers and the resources to change my lifestyle so I would not fall back into the vicious club drug lifestyle cycle again.
At first, it was the fear of going back to my old ways that keep me on the straight and narrow but once I started feeling comfortable with my new life, I started to become interested in new things and new people. With help and some resources, I could have a very satisfying and happy life. But that is not what made the club drug rehabilitation priceless. That came later on. When I met the love of my life and learned when two people give to each other selflessly the desire for each other grows and grows incredibly strong. I have had children who have been thoughtful of others, made the right decisions, worked very hard, and become successful. While there are other things that fill my life, it is my family that has made me see that the club drug rehab was priceless.
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Friday, May 16, 2014

How To Prevent Alcohol And Drug Addiction By David Richards

Drug addiction is a serious disorder. If not treated, it can lead to crises like loss of employment, living quarters and important relationships. And as if this weren't enough, this kind of addiction can cause illness and even death. Drug addiction is multi-layered and has a variety of causes as well as contributing factors. With the knowledge we have today, Simplistic anti-drug campaigns, such as the "Just Say No" program back in the 1980's, and even more complex programs like "War on Drugs" is not very effective. The reason for this is that these campaigns do not address the root causes of drug addiction but battles the symptoms not the causes of drug addiction.
When most people consider a drug addiction problem, their minds go automatically to old movies or TV-series. A junkie trembling on a street corner, selling her own body for her next fix, or a tragic, pale old man lying in a gutter with a needle in his arm, or even a college girl snorting a line of crystal meth in a frat house bathroom during a wild party. These images are powerful indeed, but drug addiction generally creeps up in a slow but determined pace. Months or years are passing, during which time the addicted person is still able to function in a job, maintain a place to live as well as keeping relationships going. A drug or alcohol addiction problem generally passes slowly through several phases. Just because someone you know has not lost everything he or she owns to drugs does not have to mean that he or she does not have a drug addiction problem.
One of the most insidious drug addiction is prescription drug addiction, followed closely by alcohol addiction. Let's face it; we are a nation of pill poppers and alcohol beverage drinkers. Since we were children we learned that if something hurts, we should take a pill to make the pain disappear. We also see that children are being prescribed drugs such as Ritalin in increasing amounts, as parents and doctors smudge the line between active, healthy kids and kids with a true Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). All the time we are bombarded with advertising for pain relievers, sleep medication and a lot of other remedies; prescribed and over the counter. Seen from this point of view, prescription drug addiction is not hard to understand. We hardly question the doctor thoroughly about the risk of dependency on any medication, since using medicine for almost any problem is so widely accepted. It's so easy to take the drug without question and before we know it, we may have developed a prescription drug addiction.
Alcohol addiction is almost as easy to develop for much the same reason. We live in a culture of drinking. We often go out for cocktails after work or drinking beer with friends during a sports event slowly gives way to having one, two, three, even six or eight beers every night. It feels normal to continually re-visit the bar during a night at a pub. Next thing we identify is a full-blown alcohol drug addiction.
How harsh (or maybe great) it may sound, you are the only person that can prevent alcohol or drug addiction, due to the choices or decisions you make. Although addiction is classified as a disease, it may well be one of the few diseases that people choose to get. Each drug or alcohol addicted person started their life as an addict by making a choice. You are free to make the same choice or you can choose to not allow drug addiction to be your disease. It's your choice and whether you like it or not, it is the price you have to pay for being a human with a free will.addiction a seat in your life. It's up to you.
David Richards is a publisher of facts about alcoholism. You can go to alcoholism treatments for more.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Dangerous Club Drugs - Why You Need to Protect Your Teenagers From Their Dangers By Richard Hamon

Club drugs are a group of popular drugs often found at parties and dances. One of the most common and dangerous club drugs is Ecstacy (MDMA). It is both an hallucinogen and a stimulant.
An hallucinogen can cause a variety of hallucinations, and affect thinking and sensory perception. A stimulant speeds up the central nervous system.
Other club drugs include Herbal Ecstacy, Ketamine, Rohypnol and GHB.
Rohypnol and GHB (date rape drugs), and a few other drugs, are sometimes slipped into an unsuspecting person's drink, which makes the person drowsy or sleepy and mentally confused. The person becomes an easy target for kidnapping, sexual violence or robbery.
Club drugs are indeed dangerous -- far more dangerous than some may realize. They can cause death, or trigger a series of harmful health conditions, from seizure and heart attack to coma.
Your children can get into serious legal trouble by using these drugs, and they may become dependent upon them.
So never let your kids labor under the popular misconception that they are safe.
Reasons Kids Use Club Drugs
Kids may use drugs to gain social status and approval, release tension and have fun, avoid responsibilities and find the courage to face their problems.
Some may use these to commit a crime, putting a "date rape" drug in someone's drink, for example.
Adolescents often make the mistake of believing club drugs are not dangerous. They may think of them as innocent party drugs. And since they are widely used by their friends and people they trust, they appear to be quite safe.
Adolescents are still growing and developing, and they often do not make sound decisions when it comes to drugs and other potential hazards in their lives. And they believe myths about the safety of these and other drugs.
It's hard to know the effect of a drug on a person, since each may respond to a drug's chemical properties in a somewhat different way. Plus, your teenager cannot know what other ingredients are mixed in with ones they are taking. And there is no way of knowing how much of the club drug is present in the mixture.
Therefore, the effects of these drugs are unpredictable.
1. Take club drugs seriously
2. Talk to your teenager about the dangers of these drugs
3. If you need more accurate information, take time to learn more about these dangerous drugs before talking to your teen about them.
4. Use specific and accurate language when discussing these drugs with your kids so they realize you know what you are talking about. Otherwise, they may dismiss your ideas as mistaken and old hat.
Richard Hamon is a dynamic coach and therapist with 30 years of professional experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.
You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a happier life at Richard's website, Find out about personal coaching programs to assist you in quickly reaching your loftiest goals. Discover eBooks, relaxation CDs and other informative products, such as a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship.
For more information on conducting state-of-the-art relationships, the latest research on true happiness, and Richard's products and services, please go to:

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